Senior Ministry
Mission Statement
The GFBC Seniors Ministry exists to provide Christ-centered activities addressing the spiritual, educational, and social needs of church members and friends.
Objectives/Goals of the Ministry:
The Seniors Ministry fellowship and caring among our seniors; establishes mission and outreach projects to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ; develops educational and learning opportunities; coordinates trips and tours designed for fellowship and education; and pursues community outreach opportunities in our church and community.
Meeting Times:
The Seniors Ministry meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in the GFBC fellowship hall from noon until 4 p.m. Bible Study, light lunch, and activity fun are provided. For more information, call 918-336-7504.
Ministry Leader(s):
Gwen Roberts - Coordinator
Rita Johnson
Bozzie Phelps
Men's Ministry
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Men’s Ministry is to help mature vibrant, Christ-centered, life-changing, Kingdom-focused men.
Objectives/Goals of the Ministry:
To increase Biblical knowledge of the mandates of a disciple of Christ and God’s plan for one’s personal life; provide training to help one’s walk in all relationships, father, brother, husband, leader, and servant; and establish a relevant, genuine walk in life. The Men’s Ministry also performs various service projects around the church and community.
Meeting Times:
Every fourth Saturday at 9 am in the GFBC Fellowship Hall.
Ministry Leader:
For more information, call 918-336-7504.
Women's Ministry
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Women’s Ministry is to minister to women to encourage a deeper relationship with God. Throughout history, God has used women in a mighty way. He will continue using us as long we listen and heed His call!
Objectives/Goals of the Ministry:
Through bible studies, conferences, and other special events, women seek to help other women; discover God’s design for biblical womanhood; cultivate a desire to live life as a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ Dedicate to telling others about Jesus; and stay determined to mentor other women in their journey with Jesus. The Women’s Ministry sponsors several ministry events throughout the year for all women! Prayer breakfasts, fellowship events, community outreach, and women’s conferences.
Meeting Times:
For more information, call 918-336-7504.
Women’s Board Ministry Leader:
Vicki Sayles